The SAM Group is totally committed to provide quality products along
with efficient delivery performances that will meet or exceed the
requirements of our customers.
Our emphasis is on problem prevention and continuous improvement through
the application of statistical techniques and the total involvement
of our employees.
The management is committed to the development of our human resources
and creation of a participative culture.
Quality System
In our focused approach to Quality, we have orientated our quality
management system into four subsystems : Quality Enhancement, Process
Control and Enhancement, Quality Assurance and Quality Data Control.
Our drive for quality and manufacturing
excellence is supported by the following in-house programs:
Total Quality
Management (TQM)
Total Productive
Maintenance (TPM)
Total Control
Methodology (TCM)
Quality Improvement
Teams (QIT)
Statistical Process
Control (SPC)
Failure Mode &
Effect Analysis (FMEA)
Approach to Problem Solving (8D)
Employees Training
& Certification (ETC)
Employees Feedback
System (EFS)
ISO 9001:2015 Certification
Our quality management system is
certified to ISO 9001:2015 by SIRIM, the Malaysian Institute of Standards
and Industrial Research.